Portfolio of Klas Segeljakt (klasseg@kth.se)
Hi! I'm Klas Segeljakt, a PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, researching and developing programming languages for dataflow systems, with supervisors Paris Carbone, Seif Haridi and Vladimir Vlassov.
The main contribution of my PhD is a new programming language named Aqua that combines aspects from functional and relational programming to enable safe, efficient and user-friendly programming with data streams. Aqua comes with a compiler that targets existing streaming dataflow systems such as Flink.
My graduation is planned at the end of the year (2024) and I am looking for new opportunities where I can apply my knowledge in programming languages and data systems and learn new skills. If you are interested in my work, please don't hesitate to contact me at klasseg@kth.se.
[1] AI summaries generated using notebooklm.